Monday, February 27, 2012

Freshest Air

From National Public Radio, its 'Freshest Air' with Terry Gas. 

I'm Terry Gas and my guest today is Terry Francona, formally of the Boston Red Sox who now serves as a Sunday night commentator for FOX.  Terry, welcome to the show.

"Thank you Terry."

No, I'm Terry...

"We both have the same first name."

Right, I forgot that Terry...sorry.

"That's OK...but you can call me Tito if that's easier. "

OK Terry Tito, I guess my first question...

"No, Tito instead of Terry."

Ah...right, Tito Terry...anyway, my first question to you is that you left the Red Sox in utter disgrace having lead to the team to two world championships in 2004 and 2007 but failed to bring the team into the post season the last two years encouraging and perhaps demanding both beer heavy intoxicating drinking and fried chicken eating until the team became grossly overweight and unable to walk on the field without exposing their baggage of fat, wobbling while they walked while sipping on beers and scratching their fat driven bodies to the utter disgust of the fans who had to watch this pathetic excuse for a did that make you feel that you failed so miserably and now can't even find a job and stuck in the announcer's chair making excuses that you need to step back when in reality you became a complete failure and disgrace to the game?

" I supposed to answer that because most of what you said wasn't true and what was true was told in a patronizing and vial manner.  I mean the players did not wobble on the field and they didn't slosh beers down and frankly I'm really offended."

OK, so you won't answer that question. My next question is that now beer is banned from the Red Sox, you stated it was a publicity stunt.  Isn't it because you won't admit to yourself that you are washed up in the game and have become what is wrong with the world in general and are the true causes of poverty and global warming?

"Terry, are you on drugs?"

I'm glad you brought that up because admitting to yourself that you're on drugs even if its a form of a question can go along way in solving the problem.  So what drugs are you on?

"OK I think this interview is over.  I'm walking out!"

My guest has been Terry Tito Tito Terry Francona who admitted to heavy drug use and being a washout with little hope of a future. 

My next guest is Manny Ramirez who has yet to serve a 50 game suspension for illegal steroid use after first failing the first set of tests.  While facing a domestic violence case Manny still remains a much beloved member of the game despite these minor issues.  Manny, local American legend, welcome.

"Glad to be here Terry."

Manny, having been the greatest and most liked player in the game, a legend among all, how do you deal with the smear campaign against you accusing you of violently pushing down a Red Sox staffer, doing illegal steroids, spousal abuse, lying about knee injuries, refusing to play to get another team and then storming off that team joining another team only to be thrown off that team...the greatest player of the must be hard.

"Forgive me...I'm crying so hard.  Finally someone understand's Manny Ramirez and what a legend he is.  All this is not true and I humbled myself accepting with the Oakland A's just to get into the game to help the poor and starving in the world.  I can barely get up in the morning without some smear.  I love life and give to the poor and hug trees and save lives with my cancer research fund and help people read from around the world. "

That is so amazing are a legend in your time.

"And in my mind!"

My guest today is Manny 'Legend' Ramirez who Tito Terry Tito Francona once called you the worst human being did that make you feel?

"I only cry hard trying to ease the pain in my heart from weeping.   He smears a saint of a human being.  I do all I can for my team and they smear me.  Boo Hoo...I feel so bad."

You are a saint Mr. Ramirez and thank you for coming on Freshest Air and I'm Terry Gas.

"Thank you Terry...thank you!"

This is NPR

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cubs sent right-handed reliever Chris Carpenter and a player to be named later to the Red Sox for a player to be named.

(Thanks Arnie!)

With the resolution over the Theo What's-his-name situation finally over, the Boston Red Sox still have unfinished business as they are frantically trying to pick a player to be named.  Ben Cherington stated "we have to name an unnamed player but we think we'll just leave him as unnamed in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Gong Show."

Theo What-ya-ma-call-it felt sympathy for the situation. "Naming a player is hard.  I often refer to them as 'you there' or 'what's your name' or 'something or other' and I get by with that very well but having to give a player a name is a hard issue that I often resolve by thinking about stuff. '

Dustin Pedroia had this to say:  'what the **** is that all about.  I mean I have a name and why do the Red Sox have to name a player when we're all born with names.  This is about the dumbest thing since the Sox signed Julio, actually Drew...nah, I think Lugo.  Ya, Lugo...then again there was Eric Gagne...whew this is tough."

John Henry though had an explanation.  "Everybody in baseball is unnamed until they're named and then they have a name because before they were unnamed and then it gets really confusing and complicated because it involves naming the unnamed but right now I have to make the Liverpool match as that's my main interest right now but we'll name someone after I get back or something like that. "

Until then the Sox have to wait and name someone.  Fan reactions are mixed but most say that the Sox should name Unknown Player in celebration of the 40th anniversary of that 'what-ya-call-it show' with that host to be named later.

I'm Arnie, reporter for the Food Court :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Joe Derive in Florida

Hi,  I'm Joe Derive and I'm in Florida and the weather is just gorgeous and the food is great.  Actually sitting down against the warm sun is the favorite thing for me to do...but I did do my job, in between sun bathing.

Johnny Damon.
Johnny Damon can't figure out why the Yankees haven't called him despite the perfect match.  Here is what I think:

Johnny Damon, if the Yankees haven't called you don't take it personally.  You're 38 and while a great player and a good hitter you have an ego the size of Mt. Rushmore and your comment didn't help your cause -- just a thought but sounding stupid doesn't earn you brownie points.

Carl Crawford:
Carl Crawford doesn't like what John Henry said about him but he was OK with what Valentine said since that's TV (referring to his stance.)  Now I have nothing against Carl, he's a great player but it was a bad deal for the Sox and everyone knows it.  Here are my thoughts:

Carl, this isn't ABOUT YOU.  I know that's hard to believe but it was about Theo Epstein and his bad move to get you into the organization when you were not a fit.  That's what it's about.  Then you get injured and cost the team more time and money solidifying John Henry's case NOT going against it.  
Your batting stance:  Carl, when you're paid several million dollars and don't perform, don't expect warm fuzzies.  If you're paid $10 dollars an hour, then whine...really its OK but you're not -- you're being paid more than most American citizens will make in 100 lifetimes so stop whining and start playing. 

Tim Wakefield
Jerry Remy said it was hard to give up the game well Tim Wakefield proved it and frankly I was moved to tears and I haven't cried that hard since I saw The Champ (that's our little secret guys OK!)   Anyway, we'll miss ya Tim and all you gave.  You did the right thing and did a class act.  I'm proud.  It wasn't easy to do but necessary and I'm sure it wasn't easy.  We'll miss ya Tim!

Manny Ramirez
There is no question that Manny will be a great asset to the Oakland A's.  He'll annoy everyone in the clubhouse, do steroids, commit criminal acts and still get a paycheck...wait Oakland -- what we're you thinking!!!

Julio Lugo
Lugo was all set to sign with the Cleveland Indians but the contract was not signed. Yet you'll all be glad to know that Julio has a web site.  I'll post the link but first I have to reboot my browser since it crashed it..which is actually appropriate because it was crashing reality when I read it.  Talk about spin!!!

Anyway, we wish you well Julio.  Really...OK on to other topics.

Food Combinations
For all you guys out there, three beers, two large bottles of red wine, fifteen hot dogs, a slurpee, two bowls of ice cream, four ding-dongs and three apple pies are not conducive to a good night's sleep...not that it has anything to do with me of course. I might also add that three pizza's and an entire box of Oreo's with whole milk...not good but it was so good at the time.

I'm Joe Derive.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Joe Derive and Truck day

Hi, I'm Joe Derive and we're here on Truck day where a bunch of insane fans are braving the cold to watch a tracker trailer truck head out to Florida for the start of Spring training.  I talked to some fans and the truck driver.  Here's what happened.

Truck driver
"Oh about one third of the truck is baseball equipment.  We also got an X-Ray machine as well.  Most of the rest is dirt bikes,  golf clubs, frozen fried chicken, beer,  caviar, fine jewelry, cheese and wine, ah...a variety of cold cereals, pop-tarts, adult movies, you know stuff the players need to get them in the mood to play baseball.  "

"Wait...did you say pop-tarts?"

"Ya, got that and massage equipment, a hot tub, hair dryers, Italian suits, expensive headphones, custom designed golf shoes...lawn equipment, art supplies, you know essentials..."

"OK, well good luck on your trip and we won't take up anymore of your time...I hope."

I then talked to a bunch of fans starting with this family.

"Daddy I want to go home... I can't feel my feet."
"We came all the way from Austrialia to see this and we're going to see this stupid truck leave and we're going to like it because we're Red Sox fans...GOT IT"
"Yes Daddy...but I can't feel my toes..."
"Honey, she has a point...we're standing here in the cold to watch a tractor trailer truck drive away..."
"You would think that they would hand out Hot chocolate or something!"

OK well, that was pleasant...and yes I got them some hot the Sox management is cheap.  Here the fans are waiting out in the cold to watch a truck leave the stadium and they won't even buy them hot chocolate...I asked Larry Luchino about this.

We have such loyal fans,..some family from Australia, New York, all over the world come to see this truck leave...its a tradition Joe.
"How about handing them some hot chocolate?"
"Well of course.  Fans can purchase hot chocolate and if they buy it now it's only $14.00 a cup plus we're giving away free cups with the hot chocolate signed by the truck driver."
Of all the outrageous ideas Larry!  How can you be this cheap!
"Look Joe, we're also handing out autographed hats and gloves that fans can purchase at $75 for the hats and $95 for the gloves.  They were worn heavily by Josh Beckett while he worked out in the winter so you get his stinking sweat as well.  Its a bargain...and did I mention if you have an extra $126, we're selling J.D. Drew's diarrhea underwear as well as Tim Wakefield's kidney stone underwear...."

OK, Sox fans.  You need to write a bunch of letters to these nutcases so we can take back our team...

"Hey Joe have you seen where they're selling Josh Beckett's gloves and hats...!"

I'm Joe Derive and get me OUT OF HERE!!!!