"Who doesn't love Kevin Youkilis. This is a tribute to this great player and was a lot of fun to write. It's part of my nightmare series."
Kevin's return was marred by the fact that he wondered what that meant. Would he be his old self again? Would he find his groove? That would have to wait as he found himself in a small and dusty home littered with cobwebs and artifacts. All that was heard was the pounding of piano keys. Keven had to find out what the noise was and walked on through the hallways until he found what he was looking for. A man was lying on the floor hammering at the piano with an almost maddening determination generating sounds that would tear the soul of any good man.
“Will you stop that!” screamed Youk but the man persevered banging keys as if they were hammers, spitting curses into the air and writing down each and every note that seemed to satisfy him.
“I said, “shouted Youk. “Will you stop that racket!”
The man, caught off guard, turned towards Kevin and starred at his eyes.
“Do you mind?”
“It's my nightmare...now will please stop the pounding!”
The man threw the paper aside.
“Oh what's the use anyway. A man without ears is a man without heart.”
The man sulked and starred at the piano. He moved up and stood erect nodding politely to Kevin.
“Ludwig...at your service.”
Kevin nodded well aware of the gift his dream had given him.
“So my strangely garbed fellow...what sort of profession do you practice?”
Ludwig wiped off his eyeglasses.
“Baseball...the vulgar profession of the obtuse. I expected better from a man of your considerable musical talents.”
“Are you always this rude...and I'm musically talented?”
The man smirked grabbing a glass of water and sipping it.
“Part of my charm...and no you don't but I'd thought I'd make you feel better, “smiled the man.
Kevin sat down next to the piano.
“I take it you're still deaf?”
“Oh not at all. The fact is that this is where I wrote my best music. Frankly old habits die hard...as does my talent. I have been unable to write anything worthwhile in hundreds of years time. Another failure int the shadow of Mozart...that bestial arrogant twit!”
Kevin smiled.
“You're an original.”
Beetoven sat down.
“The Beatles, Garbage, Elton John...but where is the music I wrote...stuck with pompous idiots who can't appreciate the gifts of music. Oh what a world you live in. No taste, no music, no art, just refined junk food. I died at the right time.”
Kevin gritted his teeth.
“Don't you have anything nice to say about...anyone?”
Beetoven smirked and said, “and be out of character. Hardly worth my time. “
“So why am I here anyway?”
Beetoven pulled the sheet of music out of the garbage pile.
“Your nightmare, you tell me.”
Beethoven then crumbled it up again and tossed it back in the garbage.
“No joy is felt when you write music that nobody will hear. Oh my renaissance man...there is so much out there beyond 'The Fast and the Furious' and that other rubbish of your time...although I must profess a certain fondness for House. Dr. House is someone that I can connect with. He makes me laugh.”
Kevin nodded in compliance.
“Baseball is a great game Beethoven...”
“Inundated with media, advertisement, terrible food, horrific bread and circus cinema. No, your game is beyond repair. I find it something that only an idiot like Mozart would enjoy.”
“I just want to play the game well and make a good living at it. Everyone calling me “Youk, Youk...kind of weird. I'm just not that good.”
Beethoven sat down next to Kevin.
“Let me tell you something Mr...Youkilis. I am not that good. It takes me ages to write a symphony. I'm an exceptional piano player but I am not that great a writer. You my friend, are as close to a musician on the field of play that I have ever seen.”
Kevin laughed almost falling out of the chair.
“You've watched the game?”
“Of course, “said Beethoven. “Eternity offers the gift of time.”
Youk nodded in compliance.
“So what's your advice?”
“Remember that in the end, your role in the game will be forgotten as will you. Nothing is remembered. Oh some may know of my ninth...Lord knows it's been commercialized enough, but to really know the man...no that is long gone, so play the game, if that is what you want and enjoy your life. Kicking helmets around and throwing your bat offers little reward.”
“I do have a temper...but that's why I'm so good at the game.”
'You're good at the game because of your abilities, not because of your temper. Take it from me, a temper never gets music written.”
Kevin bit his lip.
“Then what's the secret...how do you cope with it all?”
Beethoven got up and stretched his legs.
“In your age...I have no idea. I certainly wouldn't want to play on a team where you are so loved and hated based on your batting average. No Kevin...but I do wish for more life again...oh to smell a tree or to touch a woman...”
Kevin moved his finger but before he got an answer Beethoven said, “not in your life. Some secrets are worth keeping.”
“No butts, “smirked Ludwig. “If I wanted the world to know who the woman was, I would have made an ad and posted it all over town. Oh your Americans and your love of gossip. I supposed you'd want to know her breast size as well!”
Kevin nodded and picked up a sandwich.
Beethoven laughed.
“I have never seen you more relaxed. You and I are of the same mind Kevin...we both obsess about our work. You entertain...I enlighten. Both of which I suppose have their merits.”
Beethoven touched his fingers against the wall playing a piano melody.
“Say whatever happened to that Jason Gabbard fellow!”
“It's KASON...God...this isn't even funny anymore. It's like a joke that's been beaten to death...but NO...it just keeps right on rolling along like a steam roller. God...”
Kevin and Ludwig just starred at the man tearing his uniform off and walking out of the room.
“I like him Kevin!” said Ludwig.
“Ya...I can see that.”
Kevin got up
“Ah...time for the game.'
“I'll be in the third row cheering for you Kevin...I think Youk...Youk...Youk...”
Kevin laughed and said, “right!”
“Be well Kevin. You don't want to die and be stuck in a batting cage for the rest of eternity. Go out and live a little too!”
Kevin smiled and said, “or stuck to a piano!”
“That my friend is a misnomer...but that again is something history will never know about...and by the way it's 44 of D.”
“No way, “laughed Kevin.
“I'm afraid Kevin...such things are best kept secret.”
Kevin nodded and walked off. He saw his eyes open up to witness his body holding a bat in his hands. The crowd was cheering, Youk, Youk, Youk as the umpire walked over to Kevin.
“Hey Kevin...you OK?”
“Hu...oh ya...no problem. Just keep thinking about 44 of D...” But before the umpire could say anything Kevin pulled his hand up and said, “Don't ask!”
Kevin walked up to the batters box feeling relaxed and excited. This was baseball at its best.
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