Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chapter 11

Terry Francona Is Mr. Obvious

Chapter 11 – Family Reunion

"What would happen if you have quirky personalities all in one room trying to have a conversation. You'll just have to read it and see. That is obvious."

Terry Francona sat in his office. He looked at his cousin. She had come to see a game. She wanted to see the game with her uncle. He loved his cousin. She loved him. He loved her. They loved each other.

“It is good to see you Uncle. You have very strange people working for you. That is obvious. ”

She was referring to Tim Wakefield who repeated everything you said to him and J.D. Drew who asked the same question over and over again or Julio Lugo who was...or Jason Bay who forget everything that was told to him.

“It is obvious that we are together. You are wonderful, and that is obvious.”

“It is obvious, “said Tim Wakefield walking into the room. He sat down.

This is Tim Wakefield. He repeats everything you say to him. That is obvious.”

“I repeat everything you say to me. That is obvious, “ repeated Tim.

“It is obvious that Tim is repeating everything since he is repeating everything we say, “said Terry's cousin.

“It is obvious that I am repeating everything since I repeat everything you say to me, “repeated Tim.

"It is obvious that you Tim is repeating everything I say, since he is repeating everything I say despite the fact I have mentioned the fact that he is repeating everything I say."

"It is obvious that I am repeating everything you say since I am repeating everything you say despite the fact that you have mentioned the fact that you are repeating everything I say."

She paused.

"It is obvious that there is no way to end this conversation. I am trapped here forever."

"It is obvious that there is no way to end this conversation. You are trapped here forever."

Terry for some reason felt his hair stand on end. He didn't know why.

“You look nervous uncle. That is obvious, “ said his cousin.

“You look nervous Tito. That is obvious, 'repeated Tim

“I am nervous...and this is my niece. Say hello Tim.”

Tim looked towards Tito's niece.

Hello Tim, “said Tito's niece. “It is obvious you are Tim Wakefield since my uncle told me you were Tim Wakefield.”

“Ah...” interjected Tito but it was already too late.

“It is obvious that I am Tim Wakefield since Tito told me you were Tim Wakefield and I will also add that you looked nervous Tito."

The door burst open.

“I have a question!” interjected J.D. Drew.

“J.D. Drew. He asks the same questions over and over again. This is not a good idea with a repeater and another obvious person in the same room, “ said Tito dripping sweat down his brow.

“He asks the same questions over and over again, “said Tim.

“That is obvious, “said Tito's niece.

“That is obvious, “repeated Tim.

“I have a question, “repeated J.D. Drew.

“He has a question, “repeated Tim.

“That is obvious, “repeated Tito's niece.

“End this now!, “snapped Tito!

“End this now, 'repeated Tim.

“That is obvious, “repeated Tito's niece.

Then it got into a mess. Jason Bay walked into the room.

“Tito you told me something but I forgot, “said Jason.

“He told you something but you forgot, 'repeated Tim.

“That is obvious, “said Tito's cousin.

“It is obvious, 'repeated Tim.

“I can't take this, “snapped Tito.

“He can't take this, “ repeated Tim.

“It is obvious that something strange is going on, “said Tito's niece.

“It is obvious that something strange is going on, 'repeated Tim

“I do have a question...who are you?, “asked J.D. Drew and soon it began all over again.

“I am Terry's niece. Hello J.D.”

“This is Terry's niece, “repeated Tim.

“I forgot...what was the question, “asked Jason.

“That is obvious, “repeated Tito's daughter.

It just got worse. It would always get worse. Tito was not visibly shaking.

“Who are you?” repeated Tito.

“I am Terry's niece “ repeated Tito's niece.

“This is Terry's niece.” repeated Tim.

“I forgot, 'said Jason.

“Ah...please..” snapped Tito.

“Ah...please...” repeated Tim.

“Who are you?” repeated J.D. Drew.

“It is obvious you do not know since you ask the question over and over again.” repeated Tito's niece.

“It is obvious you do...” repeated Tim.

“Ah...please..,” repeated Tito.

“...not know since you ask the same question over and over again.” repeated Tim who had to finish what he repeated earlier before he repeated “Ah...please.”

“I am Terry's cousin!” repeated Tito's cousin.

“He is Terry's cousin!” repeated Tim.

“Who are you?” repeated J.D.

“I forgot, 'said Jason thinking the question was for him.

“I am Terry's cousin...”

“He is Terry's cousin and who are you, “which Tim had to say quickly since the conversation was repeating itself at an ever increasing rate.

“Please...everyone STOP TALKING.” screamed Tito.

“Please...everyone STOP TALKING, “ repeated Tim.

“I have a question, 'repeated J.D. Drew.

“I forgot, 'said Jason Bay.

“He has question, 'repeated Tim.

“Hey Tito...Lugo have math problem. “said Lugo coming in and considering Lugo's reprehensible timing it was only going to get worse.

“Hey Tito...Lugo have math problem, “ repeated Tim.

“That is obvious, “repeated Tito's cousin.

“What does Lugo need?” asked J.D. Drew.

“I need a math problem answered, “repeated Lugo.

“I forgot, 'said Jason.

“That is obvious since the question was asked twice, “repeated Tito's daughter.

“That is obvious since the question was asked twice, “repeated Tim and soon the entire room was swallowed up in questions and repeated sentences and endless chatter with voices overriding voices overriding voices as Tito's face glazed over with shock and terror. It was endless. Nobody could move on because Tim would repeat everything, his niece would state the obvious, J.D. Drew would repeat the question that Jason would forget that Tim would repeat what his cousin would say and that Lugo would then ask a question that Tim would repeat that J.D. Drew would question before it was forgotten and then it was repeated by Tim who was stating the obvious that his niece stated obviously or something like that.

Tito quickly darted out of the room. There was no point in continuing. He looked back at the stream of discussion looking as Brad Penny entered the room. Brad was Mr. Denial. He would deny that this was going on and say that which Tim would repeat and his niece would state the obvious before J.D. Drew would repeat the question that Brad would deny and Jason would forget before Lugo asked the question that Tim would repeat and Brad would deny that Jason would forget before his cousin would say the obvious too.

Tito just sat down and starred.

“It will never end, “he said to himself. “That is obvious.

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