Monday, November 5, 2012

Bobby Jenks Cooking Show

HI EVERYONE -- welcome to the Bobby Jenks cooking show with your host -- BOOOBBYYY JENKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby: Hey Everyone...and welcome to the Bobby Jenks show with my co-host...JOHN LACKEY!!!!
 John: DOUBLE FIST!!!!!!

 Bobby: OK today we're making spagetti and meatballs with corn cooked in beer.  Everyone ready!!!!

 AUDIENCE: (booo!)

 Bobby: OK here we go.  First let's get some corn!

 John and Bobby: That looks....grreeat.

Bobby: Ya it sure does John.  Course I can't tell since I'm totally smashed. would think that 15 glasses of whiskey would just warm me up?

John: Tell me about it.  Anyway let's cook the corn.  I've been boiling the Vadka and we're going to add the corn to cook it.  Hey this feels slimy.


Bobby: Hey it'll taste great.  Trust me.  Mmmm I can just smell that corn...I think.  Smells like Vadka actually.

John:Let's do the spagetti sauce.  I'm gonna cut up these tomatoes...yum.
Bobby: Must be a new variety John.  They look white!

AUDIENCE: I'm gonna be sick...

Bobby:OK once you got all these tomatoes they cook fast.  Must be the mushy variety.  Look at how quickly when you heat them they turn into white/red...stuff.

John: You idiot...that's the bread.  I got this green bread from the store.  Yum!

Bobby: That sure makes some great double-fist sandwiches.  Hey let me take the corn and wrap it in the bread...oh wow...what's all this dust????

John: Calm down I'm adding the tomatoes to the spagetti...mmm...

Bobby: We got this white spagetti from the...where'd we get it from?

John: I think the back yard.  Damn we have to fix the refrigeratorer

Bobby: What's a refrigeratorer?

John: Tell ya when I finish my shot of Whiskey.  DOUBLE FIST

Bobby and John: DOUBLE FIST

John: Ah heck we forgot a tomatoe with sprouts.

Bobby: Never knew sprouts grew on a

John: Anyway that's it for the Bobby Jenks show.  Help us eat this delicious dinner...ah...I don't feel so good.

Bobby: Ya me too...oh crap...that ain't sprouts...that's MOLD!!!!

John [chowing down food]: What?

Bobby: Never mind.

John: Hey I found more bread!

Bobby: I'm really sick John...

John: MMMM

Bobby and John: Oh #$#$#$...that's some good bread...ya...I really feel sick now.

Bobby: OK before I pass out...join us up time for the Bobby Jenky Cookery Shower...oh I feel six.


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