Friday, May 7, 2010

Four Men and a Future

David Ortiz, Mike Lowell, Jason Varitek and Tim Wakefield sat around playing cards during an afternoon break. They discussed what was most on their mind -- retirement.
"So what will you do Mikey, "asked Tim Wakefield.
"Marry Ellen but that may not work out. Ellen threw her back out from the rack so she's kinda mad at me."
A pause flowed through the room. Mikey reflected back on that night.

(Mike's memory)
"Come on Ellen, you love it! You want more, more, more! Ha, ha, ha, ha...AHHHHHH"
"MIKE for heaven's sake are you crazy!!!!"
A crack was heard. Mike's sadistic laughter fell away.
"Sorry about that Ellen."

(back to present)
"You're into S & M " asked Jason.
", pool. You know rack em' up. Ya, well...what about you David?"
Big Papi sighed.
"I have big appetite so I'm going to work at Arnie's restaurant. I can't wait. He's the best cook in the world."

(DAVID ponders his future in a fantasy)
"What the HELL!"
"What's the problem Arnie?"
Arnie threw down his pan.
"You're over 300 pounds of fat. I told you not to take advantage of my unlimited snacks policy and you would think a pro-ball player like yourself would abide by that principle. "
"Big Papi...hungry."
"Big Papi a whale. You're fired!"

(David returns to present)
" Maybe Big Papi not work for Arnie. I have lots of plans. How about you Jason?"
"I'm already hired by Gary McGrath. I'm going to be a lawyer at his firm."
A smile rolled across Jason's face.

(Jason's fantasy of a courtroom drama)
"So you see ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it's obvious this man committed multiple homocides. He's a lethal weapon. He's a violent killer that needs Florida's electric chair and I will be there to pull the switch."
"Mr. you mind!"
Jason turns around.
"What's the problem your honor"
"The accused is over there. Stop pointing your finger at me. Last time I checked, I'm the judge!"
Jason sighs.
"Oh...well as I was saying, that killer..."
"Mr. Varitek!"
"What now. What is the problem now!"
"Mr. Varitek. Can you please explain to me these charges because last time I checked, this person has unpaid traffic tickets!!!!! But maybe he stabbed the paper several times. I'm sure you can get a charge going on that one!"
"Parking tickets? Your honor this is a murder trial!"
"That's this afternoon, stupid and you're supposed to be defending your so-called axe-murdering client! Do you get that! You're not the D.A.!"
"This is a problem isn't it?"

(Jason returns to present)
"Of course, there are other careers out there for me, "sighed Jason with the wind knocked out of him.
"I'm going to teach with Julia. She's a great teacher, "said Tim Wakefield.

(Tim fantasizes about school)
"OK, so the force of the ball is directly proportional to the speed using the first derivative. Any questions?"
The class of eight year olds starred at Tim with confusion.
"Come on guys this is basic physics here! Surely eight year olds can get it and I'm in tune with kids!"
A hand was raised.
"Why are your pants on fire?"
"What...oh crap!!"
The class roared.
"That's not funny guys. "
Tim sits down and is glued to the seat.
"That's not funny...either guys."
Tim touched his hands on the desk. They were glued to the desk.
"Who did this because I am going to kill you!"
A child screams out!
"Miss. Julia, Mr. Wakefield is going to kill us. he's a murderer!"
Julia walks in.
"Tim...let's take five.!"

(Tim returns to the present time)
"I don't think I'm cut out for teaching."
The four starred at each other in sadness.
"To the future."
"To the future, said Tim.
The room went quiet.

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