Monday, March 22, 2010

The Return of the Lugo Show!

Hey everyone, welcome back to the Lugo show. As you know, I'm in the great state of St. Louis in the city of Missouri and I'm here to welcome all you fans and ask you, the fans, to call in and say hello.

"Hello, you're on the air."

"Oh hey Lugo. Hey, welcome to St. Louis...the CITY!"

"Hey to you too!"

"Listen, I was just wondering if the cards ever talked to you about a know a hopeful rumor or something."

"No, I'm sticking around so you can relax!"

"Ya, well, consider it...OK because not that we don't like you but, you know...anyway...bye!"

"OK, hello you're on the lugo show calling from...ah...Boston, MA...where's that?"

"Hey Lugo...glad to see you haven't changed...ah, as a Red Sox fan I want to say how happy I am you're with the Cardinals. An excellent team and please enjoy your long stay there!"

"Hey, now there is a fan ah hello you're on the air!"

"Ya Lugo, LIFELONG cardinal fan...ah...did you hear the rumor that wearing a seat belt is dangerous and you should avoid it...please..."

"Hey thank you but I always wear a seat belt when I drive a car but thanks!"

"Hey Lugo, I was ever thought about sky diving! I mean its a great sport and I have a friend of mine that can fix you right should do this!"

"Na, afraid of heights!"

"Crap...I mean OK have a good night."

"OK, that's all the time we have but thanks for your warm comments...oh an email. They want to know if I thought about exploding myself from a cannon. Wow, no but...ya...hey thanks for all the warm wishes and good night!:"

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