Thursday, December 20, 2012

Steven Drew Meets with the Press

In an unparalleled move, Steven Drew was admitted to the Red Sox organization.  The older brother of J.D. Drew (often called Nancy Drew) took time out of his busy medical schedule to take with Joe Derive. 
One minute later Steven was admitted to the back clinic for a minor checkup.

AHH...THE PAIN.  I'm be ready for opening day.   Oh this back pain could put me on the DL for months...but I do get my paycheck right?

Ben Cherington of the Red Sox said he was not the least bit concerned.

I'm not the least bit concerned.  I mean take away all of last season, all my bad choices and you have an amazing record. Ah...I want to say I'm working on it.

Meanwhile, after the back clinic, we set about our interview.  Then Drew also complained of headaches.

My head, oh my head.  Send me to the DL... I'll still get paid right?

Ben Cherington had this to say...but then started to talk into his Shoe Phone.  Verizon suggested that Ben continue to take his medication.
Meanwhile, Drew suffered yet another setback -- a bad knee.

It throbs when I walk and the pain...oh the pain is horrible.  I fear I may miss one season on the DL -- but I'll still get paid right?

Ben Cherington had this to say:

I refuse to believe that he won't be ready for opening day.
After all, I don't make mistakes -- would you believe that -- NO MISTAKES.
Would you believe one mistakes?
How bout a train wreck of reasoning? believe that. 

Meanwhile the woes continued as Drew suffered dizzy spells.
I'm dizzy and I have a bad knee and a bad back and I want a check.
Dammit, I want another check!
Dammit just keep em' comin'

Boy, mess up on ONE purchase and the world is all over you!

 Meanwhile Drew's problems continued until I saw him next in a wheelchair.

I'll be ready for opening day...2015...oh of course...with my back, knee, shoulder, arm, fingers, tendons, cartilage, dizzy spells, broken bones, gray hair, lost teeth, did I mention dizzy spells...but where's my CHECK. 

I'm Joe Derive

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas is Smart

Ben Cherington sat down with the press today and we have your coverage on the Joe Derive show.  Welcome!

Welcome Mr. Cherington.  First, what do you think of Dempster.  Many are calling him Dumpster since you spent so much money on him. Dempster’s ERA was more than twice as high in the AL in 2012 at 5.09 and the man is 36 years old. 

That is one great question.  You know the Chief of the Red Sox asked me the same question but he had a few extra words thrown in...the four letter variety.  Anyway, sorry I have a phone call from my shoe.
Did you say you're talking to your shoe?

AH...yes well cellphones are...ah...anyway, yes well we feel that the days of buying junk players with outrageous salaries for long term contracts are OVER.  Instead our strategy is junk buying players with outrageous salaries for short term contracts.  NO MORE Long term contracts.  How about that!

Could you repeat that?

I don't think so.


Hey wait you said I was good Ben!  YOU SAID I'd kill them out there.

And I stand by that Dumpster...ah...Dempster.  You will get killed out there.

OK moving on. 

You hear him!  Hey Gomes...take a slug at him.  You're good at that!

OK, speaking of which, let's talk about Gomes. Gomes is getting $10 million over two seasons.  I mean the Rangers paid him $1 million last season with Oakland. The man also punches people in the back for fun.  I mean...

CHERINGTON: Million.  They paid him on million?  Chief we overpaid!  Good thing it was for a short term contract.  Boy if I didn't know better I'd say I made a stupid move.  Fortunately I happen to be an expert on stupid and I would know if I made a stupid move and I did not make a stupid move because that would be stupid. 

Ready when you are Dempster!  Just give me something to hit.  Backs, arms, legs.  Ya that's me.

OK...moving on what about Napoli?  This guy is a drought hitter with a career average of .260 and he has health problems.  I mean really?

Ah...easy Chief John Henry.  It really was a smart move.  I mean if we look at my past choices...

DOUBLE FIST!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK but if we look at my present choices...

But if we combine my past choices with my present choices we have...

Quit while you're ahead Cherington.  Anyway thank you for your...insight.

Wait I haven't told you about Jon Lackey and his power arm.  He's over his drinking issues with Bobby Jenks and he is going to...ah...not now John.


I'm gonna prove you...ahh...gonna...what...I...DOUBLE FIST.

I'm Joe Derive.  Arnie start cooking dinner because I AM OUT OF HERE!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Learn English with Bobby Jenks and John Lackey

Bonjour, je suis Phillip. Je préfère ne pas révéler mon nom et je n'aurais pas accepté cette vidéo s'il n'y avait pas les énormes sommes d'argent que j'ai reçu de Bobby Jenks pour sa cour de service communautaire projet a nécessité, mais ce n'est pas important pour le moment. La chose la plus importante est que je suis maintenant tout à fait en état d'ébriété et c'est ...  
Hello, I'm Phillip.  I'd rather not reveal my last name and I would have not agreed to this video were it not for the huge sums of money I received from Bobby Jenks for his court required community service project, but that's not important right now.  The most important thing is that I am now quite inebriated and this is...


Donc, nous allons commencer. Tout d'abord, nous voulons apprendre l'anglais et Bobby Jenks et John Lackey ont accepté de nous apprendre quelques expressions de base. Tout d'abord, nous allons apprendre à dire bonjour en anglais.


So let's get started.  First, we want to learn some English and Bobby Jenks and John Lackey have agreed to teach us some basic phrases.  First, let's learn how to say hello in English.

Helloer...somebody a brewskiers...

Je n'ai pas la moindre idée de ce qu'il a dit, mais ne pas avoir peur pour John Lackey également nous apprendre à dire un bon Américain Bonjour.


I haven't a clue what he said but don't be afraid for John Lackey will also teach us how to say a proper American Hello.
Hey...I'm seeing double trouble fouble wooble...dooble.

Si vous ne comprenez pas quelque chose de ce qu'ils disent que vous n'êtes pas seul. Comme une question de fait, ne vous sentez pas mal si vous vous sentez ces sons deux comme deux perdants pathétiques essaient de servir leur cour attribué engagements de services communautaires de la manière la plus insultante possible.
Maintenant, nous allons apprendre à dire joyeux anniversaire en anglais.  

If you can't understand anything of what they are saying you're not alone.  As a matter of fact, don't feel bad if you feel these two sound like two pathetic losers trying to serve their court assigned community service commitments in the most insulting way possible. 
Now let's learn how to say happy birthday in English.

Happy...hour...flour powder...dower...wower...wanna buy my house...only $1000000000000000000000000000000000...

Anybody know the nearest audult my pants are tight.

Ne vous sentez pas mal si son incompréhensible. Franchement, si j'avais 60 bières, dix scotchs, cinq bouteilles de vin et deux bouteilles de vodka Moi aussi je serais mal à se concentrer. Cependant, heureusement, c'est presque fini.  

Don't feel bad if its incomprehensible.  Frankly if I had sixty beers, ten scotches, five bottles of wine and two bottles of Vodka I too would be struggling to focus.  However thankfully its almost over. 

Did I do my communiterity servicables now?



Oh combien je les lumières et les merveilles de Paris, où la gastronomie, boisson de qualité et l'absence de Jenks Bobby et John Lackey ne peut ajouter Spendor au caviar.  

Oh how I long for the lights and wonders of Paris where fine food, fine drink and the lack of a Bobby Jenks and John Lackey can only add spendor to the caviar.  


Well that's all for now or as I say quelqu'un peut me sortir de là.  I'll leave you to figure that one out.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Ah...ya...I hate French.  For one thing any country that's in Australia is bad!!!! DOUBLE FIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gomes Wants to SMASH Things

Hi, I'm Joe Derive

Today the Boston Red Sox signed Gomes adding that this will really make a difference for the future.  Gomes may be best remembered for punching Coco Crisp in the back.  Hey...we got this guy????????

Gomes: 'I just like to go out and punch people.  I talked to Ben 'Maxwell Smart' Cherington and he said that my OPS and my 'journeyman' qualifications should provide enough offense to compensate for my failures as a human being.

Joe Derive: So how did you react to that?

Gomes: I just punched him in the back. It was all friendly and all.  I mean I didn't mean to have him in the hospital but hey...that's me.

Joe Derive: You punched him in the back?

Gomes: Hey anybody who talks to me like that gets hit like a the back!

Joe: Do you even know why he said???

Gomes: Not really.  What's an OPS?

Joe: You are a perfect candidate for the Bobby Jenks show.

Gomes: Ya they already called me.  I'm gonna work with John Lackey and we're calling ourselves the 'TRIPLE FIST'

Joe: Seems to me you're the 'SOLO FIST'

Gomes: Hey I like that.  Man just makes me want to hit the wall.


Joe: Well on that note I think we can end this interview.

Gomes: Now I have to hit the car window!

Joe: Hey stop it man OK. 

Gomes: You're making me ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe:I'm Joe Derive.  Have a happy thanksgiving...away from this NUTCASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Get Smart -- Off the Mark

Agent Ben Cherington and Chief John Henry meet in a secret location to discuss the future!!!!

Ben: Sorry I'm late chief but I got stuck in traffic.  Some IDIOT went the wrong way on a one-way street.

John: That's terrible Ben.

Ben: You're telling me Chief.  I got a $500 dollar ticket for a simple mistake!

John: Ben, I'm going to hate myself for this but how could you get a $500 dollar ticket for going down a one way street?

Ben:Well there is the matter of smashing up a police car!

John [Rolling his eyes and grabbing a drink]
Ben: Boy Chief, I don't remember you ever drinking that before!

John: [boiling mad] I met you!

Ben: Now calm down Chief.  Look at all the great trades and purchases I made this year.

Ben: OK well look at the signing of some old-time players and it was ME that signed up Carl Crawford.  That alone should tell you something!

Ben:Ah...well anyway Chief the point is...

John [gulping glass] : The point is that we are total FOOLS!  To think this is our off-season 'secret' headquarters!

Ben: Well it wasn't my idea.  I can't help it if the entire organization is starving for money.  I did my part.  I got you players like Dice-K, John Lackey, Bobby Jenks and...

John: Ben why in the world do I keep you around and for goodness sake...TAKE OFF THE GORILLA SUIT!!!!!!!!!!

Ben: Sorry Chief.  What did you say?  It's hard to hear you inside this gorilla suit!

Ben: That better Chief?

John: I think I liked it better in your gorilla suit.  Ben...why are you talking into you shoe?

Ben: Because I lost my cell phone!

John: HOW did you lose your cellphone?

Ben: I dropped it on the ground and then ran over it with my car.

John: First why didn't you put it in your pocket and could you run over your cellphone with the car?

Ben: First Chief, I had no pockets in my gorilla suit and second, I couldn't see it on the ground from this gorilla suit John.  Boy with stupid questions like that how did you become the Chief of Red Sox operations...tell me that....HOW!

John: I OWN the organization!

Ben: Well that makes sense.  When did you buy it?

John: Ben...go to the Multiple Operations and Redundancy Organizational Network computer and START getting some players!!!!

Ben: Oh you mean the M.O.R.O.N computer.

John: I prefer not calling it that.  It just reminds me of you.

Ben: Oh well thank you Chief.  I always thought of myself as a MORON.

John: Well just be reassured that everyone at the Red Sox feels the same way Ben.

Ben: That's why you hired me John and I'm under contract so you can't fire me can you!

John: Excuse me Ben, I need a drink.

Ben: Well anyway Chief, I'm off to be a MORON.  Hey who designed that computer anyway?

John: Some top-secret organization.  I have no idea myself but it's supposed to be the best.  It's ACME Corporation but that's all I know. I do know that the MORON computer ran some great companies.

Ben: What companies Chief?

John: Those companies that used it went out of business before I found out.

Ben:OK Chief...have a good day.

John:Oh time...wear a diaper in the gorilla suit!

Ben: Right chief...sorry about the mess.


Bugs Bunny: Ya I wonder who did design the MORON computer for the Red Sox.  Ain't I a stinker!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Agenda of a President

It's the BOBBY Jenks SHOW with your host BOBBY JENKS!!!!!

Bobby Valentine:'s my show!
Bobby Jenks: Have you lost your mind?  Wait don't answer that! Anyway do I love FOOD! just check me out! I'm FIT!

Bobby Valentine: That fat body of yours is the reason you had so many problems!!!

Bobby Jenks: You want a piece of me!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby Valentine: No what I meant to say was how handsome you look and how much I like starring at you.

Bobby Jenks: Man Bobby, I think I liked the other comment better.  ANYWAY with my co-host John Lackey we're looking at what we would do if WE were President.

John Lackey: DOUBLE FIST!
Bobby Jenks: That's right folks. Forget the Democratic or the Republican party or the Tea Party...

John Lackey: I HATE THE TEA PARTY.  Look at what they stand for!  They want to take away my right to drink beer and drink tea instead!

 Bobby Jenks: You sure?

 John Lackey: Hey why else would they call themselves the tea party?

Bobby Jenks:  Oh are you smart John.  Anyway, our party is called the Beer Party would stand for the conservative rights we all need!

John Lackey: You mean beer?
Bobby Jenks: I said BEER....AHHHHH...forget that. Let's make it the Beer and FOOD Party.

John Lackey: You're melting my brain with these complicated things!

Bobby Jenks: OK since we are the Beer Party we need some beer! I spent a ton of money on this beer!

Bobby Jenks: Want one John?


Bobby Jenks: HEY...You drank up the BEER PARTY!

John Lackey:

Bobby Jenks: Oh man I can't believe you did that.  That was over 1000 bottles of beer...but then again we are the Beer Party!

John Lackey:Aw...govment...complicated...I don't feel good Bobby...ahhhh

Bobby Valentine: You two are a couple of losers!  Big...FAT...STUPID...LOSERS!

Bobby Jenks:  Hey I'm not the one who for fired and left in disgrace!!!

Bobby Valentine:  You got drunk, smashed into cars and took off and the Sox fired you!

Bobby Jenks: oh ya I forgot about that...never mind!

John Lackey:Mooorrr....beeerrrrrrr.

Bobby Jenks: You created a deficit of BEER! Now we gotta raise Beer taxes.

John Lackey: NO NEW TAXES...except for beer!

Bobby Jenks: OK look for the Beer Party and look for us to be your next leaders...

John Lackey: OF BEER

Bobby Jenks and John Lackey: DOUBLE FIST!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Health

Welcome to the BOBBY VALENTINE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


John Lackey: DOUBLE FIST

Bobby: Hey everyone is asking me...Bobby, what do I eat now that election season is like...ovah so I came up with these low calories things so that you like don't get fat.

John Lackey: I know I know!

Bobby: Oh ya...fried chicken and beer!
Bobby: Hey no MOLD!

John Lackey: One word - health department!

Bobby: Oh ya that is one word...I think.  Anyway folks, here is your post-election, football season low-calorie snack treat.  First...cheese dipped potatoes in lots of cheese. I call it...what do I call it!

John Lackey: You call it $#$#$#$. #$#$

Bobby: No that's after dinner.

John: Oh OK.  Here's the dish.  We call it:


Bobby: John...I think I know what heaven tastes like now. 

John Lackey: It's only 2900 calories, 182 grams of fat and 240 grams of carbs.  Man how'd I say that?

Bobby: I have NO idea...hey what's a gram anyway?  Is it the size of...

John and Bobby: DOUBLE FIST!

Bobby: Personally, when I need to start my day of ...whatever I do... I have to eat a healthy breakfast. This is my favorite and you health food nuts please know it's so LOW in calories you hardly taste it! I call it


John: I can't argue with you there! It's got 1,540 calories, 77 grams of fat, 9 grams of trans fats, 198 grams of carbs and 109 grams of sugar. What a healthy way to start your day.  May I feel sober.

Bobby: Ya but once you eat're still hungry for MORE!  So let's drink up this awesome snack before lunch.  John can you tell them about it! I call it:


John: I'm already wet with hunger.  At 2430 calories its a nice snack before dinner.  With only 128 grams of fat and 207 grams of carbs...oh ya 5290 miligrams of sodium or 5.290 grams of sodium,  Hey, how'd I do that!

Bobby:No kidding!  Hey how'd you turn smartful.  You sick or something?

John: Nah, oh ya, I remember now.  Before I got sloshed I had a diet consulterer drum up the numbers for me.  

Bobby: You use a diet thing?  You sure about that spare-tire John?

John: Hey, she's hot and I picked her up...oh somewhere.

Bobby: Oh well that's OK then.

John: Ready for a BURNING DESIRE???

Bobby: Oh...ya....


John: I just wet my pants.

Bobby: Ya I know what you mean!

John: No really I forgot to use the can.

Bobby: That's OK...I did to.  Now tell us about it!

John: Anyway with only 2,740 calories, 166 grams of fat, 191 grams of carbs and 5,280 mg sodium 

Bobby: OK folks that's it for today...mainly because my chest hurts.  Man all this food is making me hungry!

John:  Bobby, I don't feel so good.  My says my cholesterol is about ah...600,000 or something like that.

Bobby: But we eat healthy food!

John: I know but something about that I'm insane or something.  I know let's end today's show with...

Bobby and Johnny: DOUBLE FIST

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bobby Jenks Cooking Show

HI EVERYONE -- welcome to the Bobby Jenks cooking show with your host -- BOOOBBYYY JENKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bobby: Hey Everyone...and welcome to the Bobby Jenks show with my co-host...JOHN LACKEY!!!!
 John: DOUBLE FIST!!!!!!

 Bobby: OK today we're making spagetti and meatballs with corn cooked in beer.  Everyone ready!!!!

 AUDIENCE: (booo!)

 Bobby: OK here we go.  First let's get some corn!

 John and Bobby: That looks....grreeat.

Bobby: Ya it sure does John.  Course I can't tell since I'm totally smashed. would think that 15 glasses of whiskey would just warm me up?

John: Tell me about it.  Anyway let's cook the corn.  I've been boiling the Vadka and we're going to add the corn to cook it.  Hey this feels slimy.


Bobby: Hey it'll taste great.  Trust me.  Mmmm I can just smell that corn...I think.  Smells like Vadka actually.

John:Let's do the spagetti sauce.  I'm gonna cut up these tomatoes...yum.
Bobby: Must be a new variety John.  They look white!

AUDIENCE: I'm gonna be sick...

Bobby:OK once you got all these tomatoes they cook fast.  Must be the mushy variety.  Look at how quickly when you heat them they turn into white/red...stuff.

John: You idiot...that's the bread.  I got this green bread from the store.  Yum!

Bobby: That sure makes some great double-fist sandwiches.  Hey let me take the corn and wrap it in the bread...oh wow...what's all this dust????

John: Calm down I'm adding the tomatoes to the spagetti...mmm...

Bobby: We got this white spagetti from the...where'd we get it from?

John: I think the back yard.  Damn we have to fix the refrigeratorer

Bobby: What's a refrigeratorer?

John: Tell ya when I finish my shot of Whiskey.  DOUBLE FIST

Bobby and John: DOUBLE FIST

John: Ah heck we forgot a tomatoe with sprouts.

Bobby: Never knew sprouts grew on a

John: Anyway that's it for the Bobby Jenks show.  Help us eat this delicious dinner...ah...I don't feel so good.

Bobby: Ya me too...oh crap...that ain't sprouts...that's MOLD!!!!

John [chowing down food]: What?

Bobby: Never mind.

John: Hey I found more bread!

Bobby: I'm really sick John...

John: MMMM

Bobby and John: Oh #$#$#$...that's some good bread...ya...I really feel sick now.

Bobby: OK before I pass out...join us up time for the Bobby Jenky Cookery Shower...oh I feel six.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Are You Smarter Than Julio Lugo

Jeff Foxworthy: Hi and welcome to a special edition of 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader.  Today we're asking -- Are You Smarter Than Julio Lugo'  Julio Lugo played shortstop for the Boston Red Sox and proved so that he found his way to the Orioles.

Julio Lugo: They fired me too.

Jeff F. : Today we have as our first contestant -- Bobby Jenks!


Jeff F: Bobby played for the Red Sox -- well he was disabled for the Red Sox for two years and ended his career by crashing into cars after getting sloshed as an adult entertainment establishment.  Well anyway, an easy question to start for $100 dollars.  'How many feet are in a mile'

Bobby: Ah...ah...ah...I'd like to use a cheat and ask Julio Lugo

Jeff F: Seriously?

Bobby: Hey I use the cubit system when I measure things. 

Jeff F: OK...Julio!

Julio: Ah...10 hundred meters.

Bobby: I'll go with that!

Jeff F: OK...the answer is 5280 feet.  Just a bit off but don't worry Bobby that was a hard one...I guess.  This question is for $10 dollars.

Bobby: Why so little?

Jeff F: We're lowering our standards.

Julio:  Hey me smarterer!

Bobby: OK for $10.00

Jeff: What month has 29 days in it!

Bobby: All of them...

Jeff: You know I think our next episode will ask 'Are you dumber than Bobby Jenks!'


Jeff: Right...OK the answer is February.  You should have asked Julio!

Julio:  Not really...I thought it was the month of Saturday.

Jeff: OK...this question you guys couldn't possibly fail at for $1.00.  Bobby which has more alcohol -- beer or Whiskey?

Bobby: Wow...that really depends on how much you drink.  Whiskey has a proof of 80 which means it has 40% alcohol however their are...

Jeff: Just answer the damn question!

Bobby: OK...Whiskey.

Jeff: You got it for $1.00


Jeff:  Now can keep that one dollar -- highly recommended -- or try for $10.00 for the next question but I have to warn you -- it has nothing with self-destructive behavior such as drinking, gambling, crashing into cars while drunk, etc.

Bobby: Whew...that's a tough one Jeff...but I'll risk it!!!!

Jeff: You're funeral.  OK for $10.00, its the letter between 'V' and 'X'.  THINK about it and take your time.

Julio:  'A''s 'A'

Bobby: A...ya V A X...wait!  That don't sound right.  Ah...'B'

Jeff: in hell did you manage to pitch for the major leagues?

Bobby: Don't need brains just talent!

Jeff:  Like I said, how in hell did you pitch for the major leagues?

Bobby: So I get $10.00

Jeff:  Tell you what Bobby...let's say your answer was incredibly an almost pathetic way.  Would you trade in your $10.00 for a $20.00 question.

Bobby: YA...whatever you said.  Don't use all those big words...DOUBLEFIST!!!!

Jeff: OK...this is easy.  It's the number after FOUR.  Got the number after FOUR!

Bobby: Ya...that's easy because I know after 4 bottles of Whiskey I'm ready for Burbin so that means ONE!

Jeff: OK...well thank you for joining us today on 'Are You Smarter Than Julio Lugo' and join us tomorrow for 'Are you a Total Moron Like Bobby Jenks'

Bobby: Did I win?

Jeff: Here's $10.00.  Go buy yourself...


Julio Lugo: Hey can I go now!


Jeff: I quit.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Twenty Questions for Bobby Valentine

Hi, I'm Joe Derive and in our second interview -- we pour it on. Here it is in full.  Have fun!

In your opinion, what ultimately doomed the Red Sox in 2012?   

BOBBY: Well I tell ya.  The reality is that it was David Ortiz.  He burned us badly but faking an injury and then walking out on the team.  In addition Kevin Youkilis put a voodoo curse on the team forcing me to say stupid stuff to the press but oh that's not all.  Dice-K had a billion dollar arm but every time I said something like you stink he'd suddenly turn into a lousy pitcher.  It was miserable so was actually Marco Scutaro of the Giants.  He put a curse on the team.  Yup that's it.
            How many times did you play cribbage/trash-talk with Dustin Pedroia?

            Mostly he trash-talked to me when he was angry with me which of course formed a long line at the end of the day.  Actually I'm glad I had my door closed and blasted the Beach Boys and the Carpenters.  That really got me through a day.

            Have you ever heard of suspending a player for throwing a temper tantrum and why did Alfredo Aceves' behavior reach the point that he required that type of punishment?

            I talked with Alfredo and he doesn't remember throwing a desk nor acting badly and frankly neither do I.   Most of the time actually we talked Shakespeare and the TV series Charmed.  We're trying to start a petition to get the show made again with Shannon Dorothy.
              Who has more swag, David Ortiz or his son?

              Well, that depends on your definition of the word 'swag'.  Seriously what does swag mean???

              What happened between you and Kevin Youkilis, and what is the current state of your relationship?

              Well I tell you that is a great question.   Kevin and I talk all the time and he remembers those comments.  He actually told me to say that to the press to create dramatic stuff so that it would look like we were having friction but the reality is we have tea and crumpets every Sunday afternoon during our book club.  We're reading now Les Miserables in French.  It's fun.

              Which brand of antacid did you require during the season and at what point did you have to switch to the extra-strength version?

              I used to use antacid but now I just snort.  It's quicker.  Fortunately snorting didn't affect my behaviorrer...

              When you say that David Ortiz gave up on the season, do you feel like any other players also gave up on the team/season? If so, who and when? We want names.

              No problem for the guys who gave up the season, IMHO are the minority and are as follows:
              Kevin Youkilis, David Ortiz, Jon Lester, Josh Beckett, Clay Buckholz, West Middlebrooks, Alfredo Aceves, Kevin Youkilis again, Dustin Pedroia, Scott Atchidson, Jared Saltalamaccia, Cody Ross, Ben Cherington, John Henry, Larry the Leach, the entire Red Sox bullpen, John Lackey, Jacobe Ellsbury, Vincent Padella, Felix Dubront, Dice-K, ah...all the coaches and grounds crew, the vendors, the construction workers, the Mayor of Boston, the Governor of Massachusetts...

              Does John Henry always speak in that quiet, subdued voice? What does John Henry yelling sound like?

              John always talked in a horse voice, a scratchy voice...oh wait that's after he screams at me. 

              What was managing Josh Beckett like and why did it not work out for him in Boston?

              Josh loved me.  The problem was that Josh didn't love Boston.  He hated everyone on the team but me and I couldn't persuade him to stay despite the fact that every weekend we played golf.

              WEEI or 98.5 The Sports Hub?


              Considering the amount of injuries the team had, would it have been possible/how could the team have finished better than last in the AL East?

              If the team didn't have these injuries we'd be in the World Series sweeping the Giants.
              How hilarious would it have been to have you, Manny Ramirez and Pedro Martinez in the same clubhouse?

               It would be great.  We'd all get along fine.  I always wanted to shoot rocket launchers at the Green Monster at Fenway with Manny.  We'd have fun.

              What is it like to manage a losing, crabby team knowing you'll be fired? What helped you finish out the season?

              Well, it was hard of course.  Very hard.  What got me through it was reruns of Charmed. 

              Which players sent you text messages that made you cry? Which players never spoke to you again after the end of the season? We want names. And phone numbers. Possibly addresses as well.

              OK as far as the ones that made me cry -- only one.  The one where I read it and crashed my bike at Central Park.  That hurt.

              Players that never spoke to me again...actually you should put it as players who are STILL speaking to me.  Let me see...hmm.....I can't actually recall anyone either.

              How close is this Red Sox team to making the necessary attitude changes needed before becoming a winning organization once again?

               Oh...I would say....0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002% of the way.

              Would you consider doing a duet with Taylor Swift about your break-up with the Red Sox? We hear she's good at writing break-up songs.

              I would.  I was the one who got Taylor Swift started in the music business actually.  On the side I do record recording.  I find the stars.  I've given the world the talents of Paul Simon, Frank Sinatra, Mozart, Bach, you know the big names. 

              How much of the drama reported by the media this season actually happened? What can you flat out confirm and flat out deny?

              All of it didn't happen actually so that should wrap it up!

              Since you claim to have invented the wrap sandwiches, do you ask for free wraps when you go to restaurants that are not your own?

              Actually that's not true.  I invented the sandwich not the wrap so the question doesn't make sense.  You media types. 

               Would you still have applied to be the manager of the Boston Red Sox last season had you known then what you know now about the organization and the players on the Red Sox?

              Considering they didn't take advantage of my great talent or insight -- NO.

              I'm Joe Derive.

                Wednesday, October 24, 2012

                Valentine Talks

                Hi, I'm Joe Derive and today I got to talk to Bobby Valentine after his departure.  He's been pretty quiet so far but...

                BOBBY: Hey Joe.  Great to be here. 

                JOE [pausing]: Sorry...its just you haven't said anything, how are you doing?

                BOBBY: Fine now that it's over I can look back and deal with the pain.  It's better now.

                JOE: What would you say is the worst moment for you?

                BOBBY: David Ortiz.  After he learned the post season was over he gave up and killed the team. I guess its in his nature to destroy the hearts of every New England fan.

                JOE:You just can't help yourself can you Bobby?

                BOBBY:No, I prefer it this way...speak my mind with the right facts like the fact that the Middlebrook incident...never happened.

                JOE:But you said it did.  You admitted to it!

                BOBBY: Oh that was my twin brother Brobby.  He gets me in trouble all the time.

       it was 'BROBBY' that did the Middlebrooks incident.

                BROBBY: Hi Joe.  I'm Brobby.  Yes...and even though I look like Bobby you can tell us apart by what we say.  Brobby says insane things and BOBBY says sane things.

                JOE:So how can I tell you both apart?

                BOBBY:Look Joe.  Look at it this way.  BROBBY and BRORRY are two parts of many in a honed machine of greatness that was undermined by the Red Sox organization.

                JOE:So we have Bobby,Brobby and Brorry...anyone else?

                BRORRY: The rest are all too shy to talk.  You know how it is being from another dimension.

                JOE:Not really.  Insanity is something I've never related to.

                BAR-BAR: I'm Bar-Bar.  I was the one that yelled at Mike Aviles to shape up.  That was dumb as the players really called me on it.

                BOO-BOO: And I'm the one that said this is the worst September mess in history.

                BEE-BEE: I'm the one that insulted Youkilis.

                BY-BY: I'm the one that made a general fool of myself.

                JOE:OK...By-By and Boo-Boo and Bee-Bee and Bar-Bar and Brorry and Brobby and Bobby can I just talk to Bobby!

                BEE-BEE: OK

                Joe: One last question. Would you manage again.

                BOBBY: In a heartbeat.  I can bring my excellence as a manager to a variety of teams.  Imagine what I could do to the Yankees.

                JOE: I speak for every Red Sox fan and encourage you to pursue that avenue.  You will make a lot of Red Sox fans happy.

                BOBBY:I called them but they never called me back. 

                JOE:With that...I'm Joe Derive.