Friday, June 19, 2009

Mr. Obvious RETURNS!!!!

Mr. Obvious RETURNS!!!!

Terry Francona sat down in a clubhouse meeting with Theo Epstein discussing the rest of the year. It was obvious he was discussing players since he was meeting with Theo and Tito was already drunk. He needed to be.

He sat down in the office as Tito walked in and smiled.

“I think Julio Lugo needs an extension on his contract. Why don't you play him more? “ said a jovial almost robotic like tone in Theo's voice.

“I think it is obvious why considering he's making whopping errors and complains a lot. He does not care about anyone but himself!”

A pause.

“You are right. Let's trade off dynamic Brad Penny and get Eric Gagne. He is good!”

A sigh.

“You are obviously sniffing glue again Theo. I thought we talked about that!”

“I like Julio Lugo...I will extend his contract!”

Tito starting hitting his head against the desk.

“Let's make J.D. Drew a catcher. He will do much better than Jason Varitek!”

“I can't hit my head any harder but a right fielder with hardly any ability to stay healthy is not an obvious choice!'

“You are right. Let's take Jacobe Ellsbury and Mike Lowell and Jonathan Papelbon and get Wang! Then we can give an extension to Julio Lugo! That is smart!”

Tito nodded.

“Then again, how about trading Mike Lowell, Jacobe Ellsbury and Kevin Youkilis for Tony Pena Jr...and then we can give an extension to Julio Lugo. I like Julio Lugo. Can we get rid of Nick Green. ”

Tito nodded.

“I think it is a bad idea...”

“I know...let's get rid of Mike Lowell and get Doug Mirabelli back. Doug will play great third base. That is worth at least ten million dollars a year for five years. “

“I think...”

'...we need to give Julio Lugo an extension on his contract. He should be captain of the team. He can also be a catcher as well. I think I should fire you and make Julio Lugo manager as well. I like Julio Lugo.!”

“I think...”

“We should get rid of deadwood. Get rid of Dustin Pedroia and Jacobe Ellsbury and Papelbon and get us Julian Taravaz. I like Julian Taravaz. Let's pay him 25 million a year as well and then give an extension to Julio Lugo. I like Julio Lugo.”

“Can we please stop talking about Julio Lugo!”

A pause.

“OK good because I already signed the deal. He is signed till 2024 at fifteen million a year. I also bought the contract of Gagne and let Papelbon go to the Yankees. I am smart!”

“That is a disaster.”

“Don't worry Tito. David Ortiz is now our catcher anyway.”

Tito got up.

“Well...have a good day!”

“You too and enjoy Julio Lugo because I signed him till 2024!”

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A salute to Arnie

My final Blog Entry before Vacation

"This one's for you Arnie!"

Good evening everyone and welcome to Red Sox baseball. Finally, we have a replacement that's normal. Want to welcome Arnie from the Red Sox blog of Ian. A personal chef of great talent from wow...did you make all that!”

Don seemed stunned at the plates of food steaming hot and filling the room with the aroma of cinnamon and spice, lobster and soup, breads and deserts.

Arnie nods and says, “glad to be here and ya, thought I'd make something for you!”

“Oh...that smells so good, “said Don.

“Well I thought you might like lobster and some clam chowder...'

“Oh god that's good...mmm, “cried Don talking with his mouth full of food.

“We should announce the lineups...”

A pause and loud chewing sounds are heard.

“What is that bread!”

“It's a delightful sourdough bread with...”

“Oh...that is the best artichoke...oh...I'm having a foodgasm, 'shouted Don chowing on the food now using his hands to stuff it down his throat.

Don nodded and waved his hands.

“Stawting tonight...mmm...Dustwin Pwd...oh...that is the best Aloo Mutter I have ever eaten in my whife!”

“Hey take it easy's OK.”

“ how did you cut that watermelon into all those shapes!”

“Ah...Don the game!”

“ call that pudding...that's God food! Oh man...give me more...”

“Don...Pedroia just hit a home run!”

“Who the f(bleep) that pineapple stuffing...oh god...that's my favwite, “said Don now almost choking on the food.

“Don...Youk just hit another home run!”

“And you...hit home wun with food!”

“Don...why don't we go to Heidi!”

f(bleep) that b(bleep)...I'm still eating...”

Arnie turned and said, “ don't want to say that on the air Don!”

Security started to walk towards Don.

“I'm fine Arnie...I've had two weeks of nut cases and now...”

“You're turning into one...Don stop eating the food!”

Don grabbed the food despite the explosion of his stomach...

“'s going to be O.K.”

Don just kept eating until he fell on the floor surrounding himself with food.

“Oh're the are something special.”

Arnie nodded and said, 'I guess there is no point to mention it's 8 – 0 Red Sox...”

“Is that home made chocolate coconut cookies...ah...”

Arnie sighed.


“Don reached over but before he got any he collapsed with a smile on his face.

Arnie reached for the microphone.

“OK Red Sox fans...I've been waiting for a long time to say s(bleep)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Arnie's taking over for three weeks

Hey all,

I have had a great time but for the next three weeks, it's going to be impossible to get posts up on Arnie will take over.
In the meantime, three more have been posted and if time allows, I will post more before Saturday.

Julio Lugo Show -- Strange Calls

Julio Lugo Show – Strange Calls

“Good evening Boston. Welcome to the the Julio Lugo show. The only locally produced radio show hosted by a current Red Sox player during the 4:00 am hour on Eastern time on Sunday nights in New England before the 5:00 am hour. “

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for Jul__IO...LUGO...SHOW!”

“OK...I'm feeling good. We're going to have...his name is Bill...and he's our first guest in the studio...this is so exciting. No more phone calls. Bill welcome...!”

A large cough.


“Hu...wha...where am I?”
A long pause.

Anyway, Bill is a traveler and an outdoors adventure...guy...who sees a lot of America...”

A short pause.

“Ah...I was in'd I get out!”

A short pause.

“ weren't in jail...ah...that was last were like exploring America...”

“I want to get drunk! Hey...I'm clean...I'm never clean...who washed me...what the hell is this? Where's my shopping cart? Where is my cardboard box?”

A pause.

“Look Bill...relax...we're like giving you a chance to be famous!”

“As long as its not that Lugo crap show...I'd rather have a drunk dentist pull my teeth out!”

A sigh from Lugo.

“OK...Bill...ah...where ya from.”

“I hang around Lynn a know and I ah...hey...I smell good!”

“Ya, “said Lugo. “Ah...”

“Hey what's your name anyway!”

“Ah...Jackie Robin...son...”

“Well Jackie...I like this suit...feels good.'d I get out of jail?”
“Well...ah...OK Bob...thanks for being with us and have a great life!”

“ bout some money!”

“Good night Bill...”

A long pause.

“, that was a bad idea. Let's take a!”


“Hello Lugo. I'm depressed.”

Lugo sighed and said, “you're not the only one!”


“Never mind...what's up!”

“My wife...she never sees me. Always at's just so frustrating. I'm having know...”

Lugo sighed.

“Well tell her you love her...spend time with know that stuff...and don't do something stupid like whack her head against the truck...which I never did of course...NEVER.”

“You're right Lugo.!”

“I know Lugo right!”

“Well...when she gets back from that weekend business boat trip in Hawaii with her boss, I'll tell her how I feel about her!”

Lugo paused.


“See ya!”
Lugo sighed.

“Ever get the feeling that some days everything goes wrong with you no matter what!”

A sigh.

“Let's take another call.”

“'re on the Lugo show...”

“Hello you're on Live with Five...that's Five Live!”



“Hey...this is the Lugo show!”
“No you idiot, it's the Five Live show...”

“No it's the Lugo show”

“Five Live.”


“Five Live now have you got a problem with your health or not...”
“Fine...I have a large blister in my back oozing puss...does that satisfy you!.”

A pause.

“Puss..I like puss..How many you got?”

Lugo paused.

“Oh...fifty five of them!”

“Ah....ah....ya....tell me about them...ahhhhhh....ohhhhh....”

A large clank was heard.

“Sicko! ”

“ pranks guys. I mean...I know it's 4:40 in the morning but man...have a little respect for me and this show.”



“Hey...I'm hanging up now!”

Lugo kicked the table.


“You know audience...Lugo not so dumb OK. I'm a person like you...ah...another call!”

“AHHHHHH......oh thank you!”

“ sicko!”

“man...I mean I asked EVERY SINGLE player on my team and nobody shows up for my show. Kinda hurts my feelings you know! I have to get a homeless guy and some nut case who gets turned on by back sores! What's next squishing bugs!”

“Hello you're on Lugo!”

“Lugo...can you squish some bugs for me...I like that sound!”

Lugo kicked the desk.

“It's the pervert phone line tonight. What is this! Why can't we screen these calls”

Lugo sighed.


“Can you tie me up Master. I love being tied up with ropes and chains while boiling hot wax covers my....ahhhh....”

Crap...that's it...I'm done. That's it for the Lugo show for tonight! Tomorrow we'll have better guests...hopefully some people who didn't go to Sickos Anonymous!”

Good night everybody and go to bed!

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Good night...”

“Aw that closing theme sucks”

Julio Lugo Show -- Pizza

Julio Lugo Show – Pizza (Thursday)

“Good evening Boston. Welcome to the the Julio Lugo show. The only locally produced radio show hosted by a current Red Sox player during the 4:00 am hour on Eastern time on Sunday nights in New England before the 5:00 am hour. “

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for Jul__IO...LUGO...SHOW!”

“Good evening everyone. Man I hate that f(bleep) s(bleep) motherf(bleep) song. You know my time with the Red Sox is not going well. Time for a change and somebody is gonna help me with that. You see, tonight we have Bud Selig on the line and he's going to talk about a lot of things like Julio's new job! Let's give him a call. I'm sure he won't mind getting up at 4:00 am!”
'Hello?” said a groggy voice on the other end of the line.

“Mr. Selig!”

“Who the hell is this?”

Long pause.

“Ah...Roger Clemens!

A short pause.

“Hold's 4:00 am in the (bleep) morning! Did you hear me! What idiot is waking...oh Roger...what's the problem...”

A short pause.

“I want a new drug!”

“OK...Roger, I'm sorry. It's just so early. For a second I thought you were that idiot Lugo and that retarded talk show. Look Roger...I'd cut you a break but you know...I have to make myself look good. I mean I'm working on a steroid that will pass the drug screenings and if that doesn't work...we'll, I'll figure things can I go to sleep now?”

A short pause.

“Ya...that Lugo...big idiot...whew!”
A large thump was heard at the other end of the phone. f(bleep) f(bleep) f(bleep) f(bleep) got me up at 4:00 am in the morning...”

“Ya apparently to talk about getting rid of steroids...right Bud?”

A long pause.

“Well of course hates steroids and you know I was just saying those things...ha, ha...ha....oh boy.”

A short pause and a chuckle.

“Well, you know that type of info can get out so know. The Red Sox aren't getting pleased with me and when my contract ends...”

Glass cracks in the background. A foot smashes a lamp with large screams and curses.

“Fine...I'll make sure you get a job...”


“Washington Nationals...have mercy...”

“Yankees...I like the new pool and the money!”

A short pause.

“ get to hell out of my life because as you know I hate steroids...especially if you shut up about it!!”

The phone hung up.

“OK everyone...that was Lugo continuing to work in baseball with fat contracts. They think me dumb but I'm not!”

A short pause.

“This episode is brought to you by Mario's Repos. Mario's Repos...when you can't make your payments, Mario's there to help by keeping you honest by breaking a few legs or taking away your car or this what we got for advertisement? You gotta be kidding!!!”

A short pause.

“OK...maybe we'll take a few calls.

“Hello Mr. Lugo. My name is Charlie. I think you
really excite me. I'm going to read a poem I wrote. My heart starts to harden like my...”

OK, “snapped Lugo. “Guess we just lost that call. “

A short pause with a sigh.

“Anyway, I guess I can talk about what it's like to be a baseball player. I's great. Ah...who am I kidding. I stink. I have to use Bud Selig just to play in the game! Oh man...a PHONE



A small pause.

“Ya, hey Tony. I want to order a small cheese pizza with extra cheddar cheese and lots of tomatoes and no banana peppers OK. Also want two root beers and a small salad. Now don't do a Lugo on me or next time I won't be calling you.”

A small pause.


“Ya...this ain't a pizza's a radio show.”

A small pause.

“ this that moronic Julio Lugo talk show!”

A small pause.

“Ah...look I'm just kidding. Ha Ha. No banana peppers.”

“Good. Now don't even joke about the Lugo show. That guy is an IDIOT!”

A small pause.

“Ya...well...what's the number?” said Lugo almost in tears.

“555-1232 and make it fast. I got me a hot date and the pizza is just the warm up...if ya know what I mean!”

A small pause.

“Thirty minutes.. Have a nice day!”

“You know...if I didn't have such thick skin I'd be depressed right now.

“Oh another call...hello?”

“Just great Lugo. Now I can't sleep! I got Lugo on my mind!”

Lugo sighed.

“ know I'm kinda feeling down right now you know!”

A small pause.

“You're feeling down. Imagine what I'm going to say when I have to tell the Tampa Bay Devil Rays that some wacky group feels offended by the idea of using the Devil and that's because The Devil Rays use their cowbells to summon Satan to help them win games by calling on the occult. That's why they play in a dome – block out the light of God so that Satan can have his lesbian fiestas. I have to change the name because it's time it stops before witchcraft is performed creating lesbian devils that will take over the world doing Satan's duties. Think of the children...the children...the children! Do you have any idea what that's like.

A long pause.

“Ah...I gotta go!”

A short pause.

“OK...well let's take another call...hello!”


“Not you again! Turn down your RADIO!”


The phone is hung up

“'s another call...”


“OK, that's just great. Nothing like a telemarketing call with a computer voice that sounds like a stupid robot! Oh that really MADE my day...oh here we go again.”


“OK, that's it for the Lugo show. Tomorrow we'll have more fun and!”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Good night...”

“Aw that closing theme sucks”

New Julio Lugo Show

Julio Lugo Show

“Good evening Boston. Welcome to the the Julio Lugo show. The only locally produced radio show hosted by a current Red Sox player during the 4:00 am hour on Eastern time on Sunday nights in New England before the 5:00 am hour. “

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for Jul__IO...LUGO...SHOW!”

“Hey everyone. Welcome to our show. Now today we have with us a special guest who is suffering from debilitating cancer but first...I may suck at short but Boston keeps using me. Go Sox!

“Now about our guest. She's had it for like five years and has suffered badly. Today she agreed to talk to us. Her name is Ellie but first...I gotta like read this ad to pay for the show.”

“When you're dead, it's nice to know we'll be there for your family since you're already dead. We'll offer you a complete...”

“Hey, “snapped Lugo. “What moron is doing a f(bleep)ing FUNERAL ad when we're about to interview a dying cancer patient!”

Short pause.

“Well...OK...guess I wasn't thinkin there!”

A short pause.

“ we have Ellie on the're on the Lugo show.”

A short pause. You can hear loud snoring in the background.

ELLIE wake the heck up!” screamed Lugo.

A startled voice was heard.


“It's Lugo.

“It's f(bleep) 4:00 am in the f(bleep) morning and you f(bleep), piece of s(bleep) had to wake me up for you s(bleep) f(bleep), show!!!”

“Ah...ya. You agreed to it!”

A sigh and the smashing of glass.

“Who in hell are YOU!”

“Ah, the clearnradio show?”

“What radio show?”
A pause.

“The one you agreed to be on!”

“Who the (bleep) are YOU!”

“My name is Julio Lugo and stop screaming into the phone Ellie. I thought you were a nice girl!”

A long pause.

“You're Julio Lugo? You're the one who caused my massive coronary because every time I watch you play I want them to bring back public executions! ”
A long pause.

“'re not Ellie are you?”

“You're killing my heart...again...can't...”

A long pause.

“OK...well that wasn't Ellie...but I hear they're shocking him now. I see I mixed up the room numbers. I called room 480 and Ellie was room 102. That was an easy mistake to make!”

A long pause.

“OK...time of death 4:12. ”

A long pause.

“OK...well that was not good...oh well...let's try again and get Ellie...Ellie you're on the air. Hey Ellie!”

“Good morning Mr. Lugo”

“ how are you Ellie!”

“It's 4:00 am in the morning you stupid son of a b(bleep)”

A short pause.

“Ah...Ellie...where'd you learn to talk like that?”
“I've been in the (bleep)hospital for two months...and my parents lost their insurance in order to keep me alive because the f(bleep) insurance company won't cover my f(bleep) costs so my parents sold their house and car and now live in a trailer because no f(bleep) insurance company cares and my mom and dad work three f(bleep) jobs just to pay the $500,000 in medical f(bleep) bills but otherwise I'm fine. How are you?”

A short pause.

“Oh that's good. Glad to hear it but your medical bills are no longer an issue!”

“Yup, because I'm giving you a check for $10.000 dollars.”

A long pause.

“Oh wow Mr. my family only owes $490 thousand dollars. You're so sweet In face I think you're a f(bleep) motherf(bleep), c(bleep), d(bleep), son of a b(bleep)!”

A short pause

“ know...don't give up and all that!”

“Oh that's so helpful! Don't give up? How about “don't give up the fight or run with the ball or hang in there. I've heard them all you (bleep) (bleep) (bleep). f(bleep), montherf(bleep) s(bleep). “

A short pause.

“Wow Ellie...that's now how you talked last time!”
“That's because I got on your f(bleep) show. People don't want to hear the f(bleep) truth. They want this stupid (bleep) 8 year f(bleep) old who f(bleep) (bleep) (bleep).”

“Ya...can't imagine why!”

A pause.

“Can I go back to bed now. I'm getting an operation in the morning and thanks for the $10.000 check. That will help pay for the f(bleep) room for one f(bleep) day!”

A pause.

“OK...well...that's about all for the...hold on!”


“Yes is this the man that caused my husband a coronary and now I'm left alone in the world...because the first thing I'm going to do today is to KILL LUGO!”

“ go!”


“Hey all right...that was a great show...yesterday some guys who broke out of jail made me not be able to sit for a week and now this. Man my show is gonna get canceled at this rate.

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Good night...”

“Aw that closing theme sucks”

We Want Jerry Remy II

We Want Jerry Remy II

“Good evening NESN fans and welcome to more attempts at getting a guest announcer that isn't insane to help us with Red Sox games. As you know Jerry Remy our color commentator is out on sick leave and we NEED him back!”

A loud crunching and eating sound hits the microphone.

Anyway, we want to welcome long time baseball player and fan Carlton Fisk to the broadcast. Finally someone who is normal!”

'MMMMMMMMMMM...I love watermelon.”

Don looks over and sees four watermelon being chowed down by Carlton Fisk. There are stains that cover Fisk's body. Don could only stare in disbelief.

“ OK?”

“Oh God...I love watermelon. I could eat it day and night...actually I do. yummy. I love watermelon...except...oh...bathroom calls!”

A short pause as Don watches Carlton run to the bathroom. Piles of spots of red watermelon juice litter the counter.


“OK...I'm back...where's the spoon?”

“Anyway, here is Tim Wakefield on the mound and he's ready to...”

“MMMMMM....OHHHHH....YAAAA....this is the best watermelon I have ever seen!”

“Anyway...” interjected Don.

“Oh...god...I have to go to the bathroom again!”

A short pause.

“OK...that's strike three and a great start for Tim Wakefield. What a pitcher he's been this year to the team...”

“OK...I'm are three watermelon left. How did I eat an entire watermelon in ten minutes! Wow...a new record!”
Don pauses.

“Carlton...what do you think of Tim Wakefield this year!”

“Oh ya...well I've always loved Tim and wow...bathroom calls!”

Don starts to crush his fist against the table.

“How is this possible! Every single time...every single time.”

“Hey here's how to pick out a good watermelon, “said Carlton returning. “You gotta tap the watermelon and it should feel like bouncing a basketball. If it's squishy you don't buy it and of course get the seedless variety. I look for the larger ones as well. You can't get good watermelon sometimes. People don't understand how important my watermelon-gasm experience is going to be without the good watermelon. Oh...I want more...I should have...oh bathroom!”

Don hits his head.

“Well...the inning is almost over...oh God!”

Carlton brings a cart of watermelon in the room.

Wow Don...ten more watermelon. I'm feeling good. I could eat watermelon all night long...”

“ gotta stop this...”

“Can't...still scooping out the insides...oh...stomach cramps...I'm gonna throw watermelon on my face and hands and shirt...oh man...I love watermelon...Don have some!”

Don curses but before anything happens Carlton shoves watermelon in his mouth. Don munches on some.

“ is good...sweet, texture...I really love this...hey...I didn't know watermelon could taste that good!”

“Told ya, “said Carlton shoving watermelon down his throat. “Nobody understands watermelon!”

“Man...I love this, 'said Don...”oh man bathroom!”

Don ran off as did Carlton. A short pause with relief. The two run back frantic for more watermelon.

“Oh god what am I doing? I'm addicted to watermelon, “snapped Don.

Don grabbed two watermelon and pulled them to his side.

“f(bleep) you. I'll kill you! It's mine!!!”

A pause.

“It's not!”

The two start throwing watermelon at each other but instead of dodging they scramble to catch and eat it.“

“Oh man the watermelon shorted out the microphone...”

“Who cares...oh there goes the other microphone...!”

(NESN is experiencing technical the moment)


“Good evening everybody. Welcome to Fenway Park in Boston. Well...I have to say yesterday's watermelon parade was something else but the bill I had to pay wasn't, so we have yet another guest announcer. Oh yes, yet another guest announcer. Yup and this time it's baseball fan Melissa Simpson. A model and a big Red Sox fan...and a safe bet!”

“Hi Don...glad to be here!”

Don paused.

“Well here is Dustin Pedroia leading off for the Sox.”


Don paused.

“Anyway, Dustin takes strike one.”


Don turned and said, “are you OK?”

“Sunscreen lotion. SPF 50...I just can't resist it...that sticky, greasy feel...I just have to add more...OHHHH.”

Don turned away ducking his head.

“OK...anyway...Dustin takes...”

“ feels so good!”

Don turned and saw she was undressing.

“What in hell!”

“Sunscreen...give me more...more...Don...rub it on me...please...and then, then lick it off of me!”
Don turned and shouted, “SECURITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Oh God...Don put the mayonnaise on top of it. SPF 50 and Helman's are such a turn on for me.!

“Mmm....Don...get me the damn marshmellow fluff...I...I feel myself cuming!”

“And I see you going...SECURITY!”

“Mmmm...peanut butter and marshmellow fluff with mayonnaise and sunscreen...oh god...this is the BEST!!!!”

“And you're the sickest...SECURITY!!!!”

“Now for the final touch...wet and drippy cranberry sauce...oh god with butter and...oh...”

“For heavens sakes where is security...she'll damage the the olive oil!”

(NESN is experiencing technical the moment)


“Good evening everybody. Welcome to Red Sox baseball and another new guest announcer...but we have banned any sort of FOOD products. Now we have here Betty Burns. Betty is...washing her hair.”

A pause as Don turns towards her.

“I just love washing my hair but don't worry Don...I'm OK..oh...Suave does what theirs does for less than half the price! Oh man...I'm feels so good! Watermelon red and lemon yellow...oh the cream rinse!'

“Now to rinse!”

“No...the power outlet!”

(NESN is experiencing technical the moment)


“Good evening everybody. Maybe tonight we can get it right but I doubt it. Every single guest announcer has been a nut case but I'm not worried tonight because we have Dr. Bingo from Perkins. Dr. Bingo is a baseball expert and a physicist. He's really something else. I'm impressed.

“Well here is...”

Don turns towards the doctor and nothing seems to be happening.


Don turns again looking for some sort of display of insanity but he seems to be just sitting there.

“OK...Doctor? Are you OK?”

“Of course...just wiring myself up. I just love electro shock treatment...oh!”

A loud buzzing sound with screams from the doctor.

“Good god Doctor. What in hell are you doing?”
“Re...lax....just...zapping...ah...that feels good!”
“Another nutcase...what a surprise! Who's the director here...Julio Lugnuts Lugo!”

A pause.

“I'm fine now Don...just needed that shock to wake me up! I love electro shock treatments!”

A pause.

“I may need some after this week, “groaned Don.

“Now what!”

“Nothing really...ah...I'm just going to drown myself in some water...”

“NO...this is NUTS! You'll hit the electric outlet!”

A pause.


(NESN is experiencing technical the moment)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Julio Lugo Show -- be careful Julio

Julio Lugo Show – Be Careful Who You Talk To!

“Good evening Boston. Welcome to the the Julio Lugo show. The only locally produced radio show hosted by a current Red Sox player during the 4:00 am hour on Eastern time on Sunday nights in New England before the 5:00 am hour. “

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for the Lugo...The Lugo...The Lugo”

“Now it's ti...MEE...Now it's is TI...ME...for Jul__IO...LUGO...SHOW!”

“Hey everyone. Welcome to our show. Julio Lugo is feeling better now. All I can say is – don't fly an F-16 and don't eat five hot dogs, two twinkies, two chili dogs, two ice cream bars and french fries. On top of they call me Vomit Guy...humiliating!

“Now today we have another guest, Theodore N. Lerner, the owner of the great Washington Nationals who are now up to 16 it still 16 wins?...OK...Welcome Theo!”

A pause.

“Hello Lugo. Glad to be here...I guess...ah...did you really eat all that?”


A short pause.

“OK...well this well works for me anyway since I can't sleep at night anyway!”

“You fly F-16's and throw up too!”

A short pause with a sigh.

“No...VOMIT GUY...I just lose ballgames. Same feeling though!”

Lugo paused.

“Well let's ask you this...What do you think is the cause of your troubles?”

A sigh.

“'re not on our team so that's a I'd say that our team sucks!”

A small pause.

“Oh by the way, Julian Taravez says hello. He says when you get dropped by the Red Sox in a week or so, he can't wait till you sign with our team so he can hang out with you!”

Lugo paused.

“Hey...that's not going to happen.”
“You're right, “said Theo. “You suck!”

A thump of Lugo's fist hit the table.

“Hey...what about Joel Hanrahan...he's got an ERA of 6.59!”

Theo paused.

“I know you idiot! I don't have an ERA below 5.00 on my team and it's talent like I have that keeps chocolate bar and sleeping pill companies in business. Trust me Lugo...I don't need to add sniffing glue to my coping regiment! Stay away!

Lugo sighed.

“You sniff glue?”

“I will if you join our team!”

Lugo sighed.

“Hey man this is the Lugo show. I invited you on!”

“Lugo, the only reason why I agreed was that you sent me fifteen roses, five BOXES of chocolates, a nude picture of David Hasseloff –where did that come from -- and a note pleading with me to hire're the mother of cold showers!”

Lugo started to weep on the air.

“Hey Lugo...Lugo...I'm sorry...just having a bad year you know....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.”

“Then you'll give me a job.”

“GRRRR....ah...OK...tell you what, I'll give you a job.”

“Lugo...I was thinking more in the Comfort Station Hygenics Department Manager or CSHDM. I mean...”

“I'll take it!” snapped Lugo.

A pause.

“Wait...before you say yes, how about a coach or your new manager.”

Theo sighed and said, “I always believed in a team that plays above .000. Call me crazy...oh wow...sniffing glue fun.”

A pause.

“Well, let's take some calls.”

A pause.

“Hello, you're on the air.”

“Hey Lugo...first time caller. I'm Tom. I just wanted to say how excited I am about your new position at the Washington Nationals. I think I can say all of Boston is behind you and we're really excited. Couldn't have happened to a better guy!”

“Hey...gorilla glue gets me high...ah...”

A pause.

“Well...thanks got a question?”


A pause.

“Hello you're on the air with Theo!”

“Hey Theo!”

“Wow...I have fifteen fingers on my hands...where's the hot glue gun!”

“I was just wondering does he think that the Nationals can get 20 wins this year!”
Lugo sighed.

“How would I know...I'm still sniffing paint oxide!'

“ OK?”

A pause.


'Weeeee....this is fun...ya Lugo...I'll sign ya...fifteen million per year”

Lugo laughed and said, “man...that worked on Theo too!”

“Damn you...all too...hell!”

“Well thanks for being on with us Theo...have a good day and Go Nationals!”

A pause.

“ out there...oh...another call!”

“Hey Lugo...calling from a Master Card Credit Card company!”

“Oh ya, “said Lugo. “What's wrong.”

“ have been like give it to us so that we can take care of it we need your credit card numbah...Talk nice and loud!”
“Just one second.”

A pause.

“OK ready...”

“Oh hell ya!”


“Expiration date?”

“Oh ya is my meat boy!”

The phone hung up.

“That was strange...oh crap that was Manny Ramirez's credit card I gave him...oh well...they'll figure it out. I wonder how Manny's doing! Haven't talked to him since he had me order his medication for him. Man that was a bad idea.”

“Anyway...take another call.”

“Hey Lugo!”

“Ah...hey Manny!”

“Have you seen my credit card anywhere. I can't find it. Did I give it you accidentally?”


A sigh on the line.

“OK...well I'll pick it up next week. Musta gottan mixed up when we went out to dinner! Have a good night!'

The dial tone of a phone hung up.

“You know...I'm really tired of being stupid. Anyway, gotta fix my credit card mess. I'm gonna just use my called ID and call back that guy who I talked too!”

The phone rang.

“Boston City Jail!”

Lugo paused.

“Ah...this ain't a credit card company???”

“No sir...this is the Boston City Jail.”

“You no take credit cards?”

“No sir...this is the Boston City Jail.”


“No sir...this is the Boston City Jail!”

“Oh crap!”

“Is there a problem?”

A long pause.

“ me have no problem...a hold on a second!”

Lugo saw his manager wave to him pointing to the radio. Lugo turned it up.

Mad Dog Murphy just escaped from the Boston County Jail using, of all things, Manny Ramirez's credit card to bribe a guard. Mad Dog Murphy has said he's going straight to the Julio Lugo Radio Show and, I quote, “going to make him a man.”

Lugo stood frozen faced.

“ anything wrong!”

“Ah...are the cops on their way to the Lugo Radio show?”

A pause.

“Sir anyone stupid enough to give away their credit card number over the phone...”

There was a pause.

“Sir...I wouldn't worry about it...we'll catch him...I think.”

A long pause.


Fine...have a good night sir and thank you for calling the Boston County Jail”

“Ah...ya...thank you!”

A pause.

“You know...I think it's time Lugo...oh another call!”

A pause.

“Lugo...I got your numbah and all I can say is – don't sit down!”

Dial tone.

“OK...time to end the show...I'm gonna call the Boston Police now....AH!!!”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Bye Bye's ti...MEE...Now it's is say Bye Bye Bye...BY--EEE”

“Good night...”

“Aw that closing theme sucks”