Monday, May 16, 2011

Salty's Day

Salty's comment in the Boston Globe read "it takes a strong guy to do that. " Well Salty, thank you for that humble comment!

Salty sat in the clubhouse resting against the table. His left leg kicked the gaterade bottle and sprayed the sugary substance all over the floor.

"Oh sorry about that everyone but you know, it takes a coordinated guy to do that. "

Salty didn't notice the shaking heads as he waved his hands at the reporters with that sly smile.

"Salty, this is your first home run of the season. "

"Well, it takes a strong guy to do that you know. "

Salty didn't notice the rolling eyes but instead gave out a grand smirk.

"Ya, I feel if this team is going anywhere, it will have to rest on my shoulders. The great, broad strong shoulders of Salty."

Salty waved his arm and tensed it revealing a small lump that passed for a muscle.

"Fear that, " said Salty.

He gave out a grand smile that shimmered through his dull teeth. He wondered why the reporters were chuckling. No matter, thought Salty. God like status took time to appreciate.

"Salty, now, "screamed Tito in the background.

Tito shouted and Salty responded strolling through the locker room making sure that his glow and presence were seen by everyone. He closed the door and sat down.

"Salty, sit down."

Salty took his time and allowed himself to cross his legs and wave his hands in the air.


Salty put his feet on the desk crashing paperwork and smashing into objects. Salty picked them up but sadly the lamp went flying through the air as he picked it up in haste and smashed Tito's skull sending him to the ground.

"Oh, I guess you're sleeping. Well...OK."

Salty went out of the room and saw the crowd lingering around the office. They seemed to have looks of desperation on their faces.

"Hey everyone. How about McDonalds. The first happy meal is on me!"

Salty felt sad when everyone bolted for the door until he realized it was clear that his aura of light was too bright for the rest of the crowd. He walked forward knocking over another gatorade container before smashing against the table and sending the water buckets to the ground.

"Wow, that's a bad mess. Oh well, I guess someone will clean it up. A strong man like myself needs to get some rest. Oh the life of a God."

Salty walked out. Another game for tomorrow.

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